Category: Homepage

  • Make Your Website Stand Out, Add RSS Feeds

    Most people who have used RSS feeds know that they are helpful for keeping track of new content that comes from websites and blogs. Many more know that they want to be sure that their own website is syndicated in XML so that other RSS readers can subscribe. However, few seem to know that an…

  • The Three Basics of Understanding and Using News Feeds

    When I try to tell people about how wonderful RSS news feeds are, I always get the question, “What are news feeds?” First of all, it is helpful to know where news feeds came from. In November of 1994, a man named Dave Winer was left to try and automate processes for the San Francisco…

  • The Importance of RSS

    First off, adding RSS feed to websites such as blogs is a great idea. Your readers get your content faster, you can link to other bloggers (and vice versa), and your search rankings get a kick in the pants too, since so many people are spending time on your site. But adding the kind of…

  • Increase Brand Visibility via RSS Feeds

    According to a Google customer survey, only 9.5 percent of American web users still use RSS, while 70.8 percent of them have never used RSS feed websites. As for the remaining 19.5 percent, these folks claim that they do not know if they have ever used RSS. Thus, we can assume if they do not…

  • RSS Feeds Are for the Tech Conscious and Time Savvy

    RSS feeds were created to make your life easier. They are a considerate offering given to you much like Christmas toffee from all of your favorite websites. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and it is really just that. To take advantage of it, you are a button click away from syndicating all of your…

  • Share Information to Make Consumer Want to Buy Your Products

    In order to keep consumers informed, many businesses might want to think about adding RSS feed to websites that they use. By choosing to display RSS feeds on websites, businesses will make it easy for customers to follow them and keep up with any updates. Active companies will have lots of information that they want…

  • RSS Feeds Can Be A Great Resource

    RSS, which stands for “Really Simple Syndication,” is basically a way of keeping up to date on website’s content, which often changes very rapidly as things are added. When you subscribe to a given website’s feed by using a RSS feed reader, receive a summary of new content recently added to that website. When you…

  • Understanding How To Display RSS Feed On Website Pages

    To display RSS feed on website pages, you ideally would just follow the instructions that came with the individual feed. However, sometimes these instructions for adding these RSS feed websites to your own site should come with their own sets of instructions. Sometimes they are written as if the person understanding or reading them has…

  • How to Go About Adding RSS Feed to Website Designs

    If you are wondering how to go about adding RSS feed to website designs in an attractive, professional manner, there are a number of ways to display RSS feeds on website pages prominently without being intrusive. First of all, many blogging platforms nowadays allow you to go about adding RSS feed to website designs very…

  • Sometimes Older Is Just as Good

    RSS feeds websites have been in use since the late 1990s. And adding RSS feed to websites can greatly enhance the number of hits that a website gets, especially if people are looking for specific trending topics relating to a number of different keywords. It is possible to display RSS feeds on websites that reflect…