Category: Homepage

  • Sometimes Older Is Just as Good

    RSS feeds websites have been in use since the late 1990s. And adding RSS feed to websites can greatly enhance the number of hits that a website gets, especially if people are looking for specific trending topics relating to a number of different keywords. It is possible to display RSS feeds on websites that reflect…

  • Using RSS to Smooth Out the Wrinkles

    The technology that surrounds the World Wide Web is quite impressive. With things like phone applications that can broadcast Internet radio, instantaneous updates on sports scores, and the ability to use the Cloud services for business purposes creates a whole new world of technological adventure for us, as humans, to utilize. There are things that…

  • 3 Things that you should know about RSS feed websites

    RSS feed or Rich Site Summary, also known as Really Simple Syndication, is actually a format that many websites use. It allows them to frequently update their content and for those content to be received by the subscribers as they are published. What the subscribers receive is called web feed or feed. The feed is…

  • Simple Steps To Display RSS Feeds On Website Pages

    To display RSS feeds on website pages, you first have to figure out which RSS feed websites will be best for your specific company needs. Putting an RSS feed on website pages is not necessarily a difficult task, but putting the right feed on there is the tricky part. There are a lot of junky…

  • Three Main Reasons Why Smart Companies Display RSS Feed On Website Pages

    There are myriad reasons why companies today will display RSS feed on website pages. Some do it to increase traffic to their own websites. Others do it to keep their current customers satisfied and informed of the topics related to business that affect them, thereby ideally keeping them as clients for the long haul. Others…